Wednesday 6 June 2012

Assessments are coming!

So the assessments start this Sunday, 10th June - please don't be nervous about your assessment - we try to make it as nice an experience as possible! It is quite a difficult two weeks for the staff, so please be patient with your assessment! We can't confirm exactly what week out of the two your assessment will be, as it is dependant on a huge number of factors, but hopefully the following will explain it a bit more.
  • We have around 350 weekly riders. All of whom are due to be assessed.
  • The majority of the assessments are done by Sally, to ensure consistency across the boad, and also because each assessment needs 2 members of staff (Sally to assess and another to teach/command).
  • Between 4.00 and 6.30p.m. (and after 6.30p.m on a Monday) we have double lessons - one in small school and one in big school, it is very difficult for Sally to assess both at once, hence why it takes a fortnight. The same occurs at the weekends when we also have double lessons.
  • We run lessons until 8p.m Mon - Thurs and all day Sat and Sun. This is a long week! Whilst the staff commit to extra hours during assessments (each does an extra late night to cover the double staff), Sally needs to do each late night assessment and both days at the weekend - its impossible to fit all this into one week.
So how do the assessments work?
You will ride in your normal lesson, at your normal time - the only difference is that Sally will be sat somewhere in the school with a computer. You won't be expected to do anything different from normal, although depending on your standard, Sally may ask you some questions at some point in your lesson. After your lesson, you can leave as normal and then assessment forms will be available to collect from reception the next time you come for you lesson (they will be in reception with your name on the envelope). Its easier for us to hand out forms after the assessments are finished, but obviously if you have any questions about your assessment forms, then you can either ask Sally or your instructor, who will be happy to discuss it with you. You may need to move lesson, but only if Sally and your instructor feel that you would benefit more from another class - again, this will be discussed with you.
Please also remember that our assessments are not just to give you guys a grading, they also ensure that our lessons are set at the correct standard, our staff are teaching correctly and riders are keepimg their stable management up to date. Assessments should be looked at as a learning tool, and you should use the form/comments to help understand what you should be working on with your riding for the next 12 months.
So, enjoy it! And if you have a spare minute, why not make a coffee/tea for the isntructor/assessor, who have probably been sitting there for hours!!

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